Use these easy steps to complete a work order, ensuring all details are accurately captured.
Access Work Orders:
Open and Edit the Work Order:
Click on the work order you wish to manage. This opens the work order in View mode.
To make changes, click the Edit icon in the top right corner.
If there are any Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) instructions, you'll be prompted to confirm that you've read them. It's important to review these carefully before proceeding.
Details Tab:
Review the general information about the work order, such as the name, description, status, related asset and similar.
Work Tab:
Assignments Tab:
View the list of assignments. You can also add new participants and assign them specific roles as needed.
Labors & Parts Tab:
This section might be pre-filled with items, or it could be empty.
To add a new service, click on the Plus button under the Services tab.
For additional expenses, use the Additional Expenses tab.
After adding a service, click on it to add specific Labors and Parts.
If there are any disassembled parts, make sure to add them as well.
Documents Tab:
Upload any relevant attachments that might provide additional context or instructions.
Forms Tab:
Log Tab:
Client Signature:
Save and Complete: