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Create Company

Discover the benefits of creating a company in CMMS software: streamline operations, enhance maintenance management, and boost efficiency.

Updated over 2 months ago

Complete these steps to set up a company and input all relevant details.

  1. Navigate to the Businesses List: Open the sidebar menu and select the "Businesses" list.

  2. Access Companies: Click on "Companies" to view the company management options.

  3. Create a New Company: Click on the "New" button to start entering details for a new company.

  4. Enter Company Details: Fill in essential information such as the company name, notes, code, and tax ID.

  5. Specify Subsidiary Status: If the company is a subsidiary, make sure to select the appropriate option.

  6. Choose Company Classification: Based on the company’s role, select from classifications like Manufacturer, Service Provider, Supplier, or Customer.

  7. Add a Warehouse: If the company will have a warehouse, add the warehouse details

  8. Add Contact Information: Go to the "Contact Info" section to input various types of contact details for the company.

  9. Enter Address Information: Navigate to the "Address" section to input and save the company’s address.

  10. Add Employees: Navigate to the "Employees" tab, click "Add," and enter employee details either by searching their names or selecting them from a list.

  11. Save Your Information: After completing all required fields, click "Save" to finalize and add the company to your list.

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